Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Gingival Hyperpigmentation is a condition that is a major concern for a large number of patients, due to esthetic reasons. Gingival melanin hyperpigmentation is clinically described as “Black Gum” which is not essentially a medical issue but purely an esthetic one. It is particularly of concern to those patients who have a “gummy smile” [ display of excessive gums while smiling.]

Various treatment modalities have been tried for cosmetic removal of the pigmented area including abrasion by diamond burs, surgical,etc.But Laser Ablation seems to be so far the most effective ,reliable and satisfactory method for treating melanin hyperpigmentation of the gums.

The melanin pigment is produced by melanocyte from tyrosine through the action of tyrosinase and stored in the form of melanosomes.Clinically melanin hyperpigmentation is presented as dark brown and in some tissues as blue black area mostly located in facial aspect of the gingiva.Attached gingiva is the most common site.The contour is often diffuse, symmetric, ribbon like dark band or irregularly shaped patch with a well demarcated border.

Besides the pigment density ,the depth of the pigments in the gingival layer also makes clinical difference in colour.The number of melanocytes in different population are comparable but melanocyte activites vary causing difference in colour.The prevalence of melanin pigmentation varies regarding ethnic factors and smoking habits.Gingival melanin hyperpigmentation is very prevalent in the Indian population.


This patient,Male, 26 years, presented with the complaint of excessive visibility of gums and hyperpigmentation of labial gingiva. Treatment for the upper labial gingiva was carried out using a Diode Laser under application of topical anaesthesia. The laser beam was set at 1 Watt. The "brush" technique was applied until the gingival surface appeared clinically free of pigmentation. The procedure took about 30 minutes.The healing was uneventful, and there was hardly any need for any analgesics. The patient could report for work the next day.

Laser Ablation is a very simple,cost effective and less painful procedure.The amount of tissue removed is also less.The procedure can be repeated without complication if the pigmentation in any area re-occurs.

Friday, July 13, 2012



Everyone loves a dazzling smile ,eyecatching with a perfect set of Flashing teeth.But with age or negligence, they maybe lost which changes the structure of our bone and facial features.It is therefore essential to replace the missing teeth to maintain facial aesthetics and occlusal harmony. Implants is one of the most recent advances in teeth replacement, that has changed the lives of millions for the better.


Dental implants have 3 components.The Implant,abutment and  crown. The crown is a  laboratory-made tooth or teeth subsitutes, to substitute missing natural teeth. They are made to resemble natural teeth as close to perfect as possible.

Dental Implants are a "root" device, usually made of titanium, used in dentistry to support artificial teeth that resemble a tooth or group of teeth that will replace the missing teeth.Dental implants are typically made of titanium. These fixtures are placed into the jawbone and allowed to heal until they are "integrated" into the bone. Dental implants may be used to replace one, many or all of a patient's teeth.

Our expert Team of Implantologists will first assess the patient's eligiblity for a Dental Implant after the initial Clinical Examination , Blood Report Review and OPG.

Procedure :

Once the Local Anaesthetic has taken effect, the dentist will make an incision in the gum and then

drill a small hole  in the jawbone. The implant will be fixed into  this .

                                    Image : www.abroad-dental-abroad-treatment.co.uk

The Immediate and delayed implants can be done in one or two stages:

Stage 1 : The implant rod and the abutment, that connects the implant to the false tooth will be fitted

at the same time.

Stage 2 : The implant rod will be buried under the gums while the bone heals .A few months later,

the abutment will be attached to the Implant.

The artificial teeth may be attached on the same day the implant is fixed. Usually, however, it is advisable to wait between three and six months to allow the gums and bone to heal. Your dentist may fit a temporary bridge or partial dentures so you can't see the spaces between your remaining teeth. If you have complete dentures, they can be adjusted so that you can wear them throughout

Different Types of Implant Procedures at our Hospitals:
  • Implants with Bone Graft
  • Implants with Sinus Lift
  • Immediate Loading Implant
  • Zygoma Implants
  • All on Four Implants

Advantages of Dental Implants :

  • Dental Implants look and feel natural,and since they integrate into the structure of your

  • bone.No one can tell that you have had a replacement teeth.
  • Unlike bridges,where you have to compromise adjacent teeth, incase of Implants you dont

     have to sacrifice the adjacent teeth to support it.
  • There is more confidence for the patients with Implants as it looks and feels natural.They can 

    eat and speak with comfort and confidence. The Discomfort of dentures and gum irritation of 

         bridges can be avoided.

  • The success rate of dental implants is highly predictable. They are considered an excellent

     option for tooth replacement.

Ideal Candidates for Dental Implants:

  • The ideal candidate for a dental implants should be medically fit and have good oral health. 

  • Adequate bone structure is required in the jaws to support the implant.  

  • The gums should be healthy and free of Periodontal Disease.

Implants at Vasan Dental Care :

Besides the conventional Dental specialities at Vasan Dental Care, there are core specialities as well.

Implants is one of them.Vasan Dental Care is one of the premiere leading Implant Centers in India.

The Implant week held at Vasan Dental Care Centers across Tamil Nadu, from June 6th – June 13th,

has created a surge in general awareness and acceptance of Implants as a viable alternative to

replacement of missing teeth Vasan Dental Care Hospitals has an expert team of Implantologists on

board, skilled in the All on Four Immediate Loading Implant Technology as well as Implants with

Bone Graft and Sinus Lift.

The latest innovation in Implants - the Zygoma Implant for patients with weak or non existent jaw

 bone, are also performed across Vasan Dental Care Hospitals. Implants done in conjunction with 

new advances in laser dental treatments ensure a high level of precision and reduce the recovery

 period for patients.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

5 Point Reasons how Soft Drinks can affect your teeth & Health

Soft Drinks have been  in the middle of heated  controversies for  the battle between customer preference Vs Health. Here are 5 Reasons that could tilt the balance if you are still confused!

1.Soft drinks,even Soda are  most acidic , with a pH of about 2.5, about the same as vinegar. Why does that matter? Acid oxidizes whatever it comes in contact with. If you put soda or vinegar on metal, it will rust it quickly. Check out this table of acid levels of your favorite Soft Drinks.

2. Soft drinks, contains high levels of phosphorous, which leaches calcium from  bones. Dr. Michael Murray from the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine concluded, “It appears that increased soft drink consumption is a major factor that contributes to osteoporosis.” Furthermore, Dr. Elson Haas, author of The Detox Diet states, “Tooth loss, periodontal disease, and gingivitis can be problems, especially with a high phosphorus intake, particularly from soft drinks.”

3.  According to Dr. James Howenstein. author of A Physician’s Guide to Natural Health Products that Work, the high sugar content of soft drinks is alarming. He states, “In an interesting experiment the sugar from one soft drink was able to damage the white blood cells’ ability to ingest and kill bacteria for seven hours.” Dr. Marion Nestle from his book Food Politics states, “Sugar and acid in soft drinks so easily dissolve tooth enamel.”

4.It's not just about weak bones, weakened immune system, and dissolving teeth. It's also  weight gain.Dr. Nestle also concluded, “The relationship between soft drink consumption and body weight is so strong that researchers calculate that for each additional soda consumed, the risk of obesity increases 1.6 times.”

5.Our children aren’t safe, either. Dr. Nestle states, “Adolescents who consume soft drinks display a risk of bone fractures three to four-fold higher than those who do not.” Dr. William Duffy from the Naval Research Institute states, “The high sugar hides the acid. Children little realize they are drinking this strange mixture of phosphoric acid, sugar, caffeine, coloring, and flavoring matter.” Greg Critser from his book Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World states: “A joint study by Harvard University and Boston Children’s Hospital researchers in February 2001 concluded that such excess liquid calories inhibited the ability of older children to compensate at mealtime, leading to caloric imbalance and, in time, obesity.”

6.Those of you who think Diet Drinks are safe, beware, in fact it’s worse! Carol Simontacchi from her book The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children states, “One liter of an aspartame-sweetened beverage can produce about fifty-six milligrams of methanol. .” So, you’re poisoning your body, too.

And when it comes to saccharin, which is a noncaloric petroleum derivative estimated to be three hundred to five hundred times sweeter than sugar: “More than a dozen animal tests over the last thirty years have demonstrated the carcinogenic effects of saccharin in the bladder and other sites, particularly female reproductive organs, and in some instances at doses as low as the equivalent of one to two bottles of diet pop daily.”

Go Pure.Go Water
Hard to believe that there are so many health risks that can arise from a can of soft drink that millions unwittingly consume world wide.  Opt instead for a healthier option. Drink Pure.Drink Water!